

Safety and Constraints

Somewhere between art and science, architecture plays a vital role in the building process, in defining the spaces and functions associated with it

One mission: improve lifee quality

From the analysis of territorial, environmental and urban plannning aspects, to design and safety during construction, the aim is to design spaces and works conceived to anticipate the needs of the future.

Infrastructure constitute the landscape and provide quality and shape to the territory

The arteries of the Planet

Architectural design must promote both the interconnection and the defense of the territory, looking for new sustainable projects but above all valid maintenance techniques to modernize the existing infrastructure

The culture of social value

Looking for people-centered solutions means creating value, finding a point of convergence between systems, processes, materials and accessibility without discrimination. Through new concepts of external and internal spaces, in ETS we work for it.

An ambitious compromise

The infrastructure sector plays a strategic and vital role in economic development, but it is also one of the sectors that exert the greatest pressure on environmental and natural resources. For this reason we put every day the maximum effort to develop solutions that preserve resources by pursuing objectives of high ethical and social value.  Per questo poniamo ogni giorno il massimo impegno per elaborare soluzioni che preservino le risorse perseguendo obiettivi di elevato valore etico e sociale.