Our suite of integrated structural analysis, design and consulting services ensures the highest degree of quality, safety and efficiency. Our focus is on rail and road infrastructure.
Delivering integrated design services to build lasting success
Geotechnics, Geology and Hydraulics (GGH) Departments is the point of reference for the design, diagnostics, management services of undergrounds works, geotechnical structures and hydrogeological instability, as well specialized and advanced studies in hydraulics
No matter the challenge, we build on what we know works and elevate your vision of success
Pushing the Infrastructure forward
We are passionate about driving value into every project we undertake. Integrating technical and material choices with the sustainability of the work, to ensure the least possible impact on the environment. This is our idea of structural design.
The centrality of safety
The issue of safety is a priority in any infrastructure project. Our team of structural engineers is on hand to provide both static and dynamic structural analysis services, as well as diagnostic and structural monitoring, inspections and seismic vulnerability analyses.
Monitoring, checking and recording
Intelligent sensors, digital twin, data engineering, and integrated DB, are the new tools at the service of engineering, useful for understanding the impact of static and dynamic phenomena on each work and defining the optimal design intervention.