Measuring the vulnerability of infrastructure: C2Risk is a methodology and software tool that allows you to model and calculate the vulnerability of transport infrastructure as a result of climate change.
DNSH analysis
L’infrastruttura è analizzata secondo le sue principali componenti e fornisce gli input necessari alle valutazioni di rischio su ogni elemento o su intere tratte. C2Risk rientra nell’approccio e nella piattaforma MIRETS per l’analisi del rischio sulle infrastrutture di trasporto. L’analisi effettuata con C2Risk permette di soddisfare appieno i requisiti richiesti dalle analisi DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) per l’obiettivo di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e guadagnare punteggio nei principali protocolli ambientali e di sostenibilità, grazie ad un approccio affidabile e concreto che restituisce valutazioni quantitative e oggettive.

The C2Risk method is a patent filed by ETS. C2Risk is developed and validated in collaboration with the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Istituto Universitari de Recerca en Sostenibilitat, Canvi Climàtic i Transició Energètica, European reference point in the analysis of the effects on climate change
Organized and structured process
C2Risk is the result of an organized and structured process, which has provided a first phase of stakeholder engagement for the definition of the variables involved in risk analysis and has involved many actors and experts in the field such as institutions, universities and clients, the final product consists of software capable of returning information related to an Infrastructure Risk Index (IRI) on the line and all the elements that compose it (e.g. track, stations, bridges, tunnel). This index is built on the analysis, reworking, and calibration of indicators that predict an impact on the line.
Climate change and outlook
The historical and future forecast climatic variables have been optimized and scaled to achieve usable dimensional accuracy for the transport infrastructure risk analysis scale. The analysis on regional infrastructure constitutes the first phase of the project that will follow a possible implementation on the entire national railway network, let alone on the possibility of adapting the process to the road network.
Carbon footprint reduction
C2RISK stimulates collaboration between multidisciplinary teams to identify significant applications of the methodology, encouraging a convergence of intentions even distant from each other, towards the common goal of reducing the carbon footprint of the infrastructure, from design to construction to its entire life cycle.