The centre of innovation, of tireless research for a better future
A match worth the Future
The R&D department defines the identity of the company, embodies the main corporate values transforming them into elements of success that will define new international standards. Digital transformation, sustainability, automation of analysis and management of existing infrastructures, are the fields in which the game is played.
Innovation, multi-disciplines, digitalization and sustainabilitty are the driving forces behind every internal and external process towards this goal
Defining project goals
Become a benchmark for domestic and international scientific community about digital transformation, sustainability and automation of analysis and management of exsisting infrastructures, is made possible by a series of established collaborations with Universities and International Partners. .
Being part of the expert community
There is a strong link with the industry and the direct application of our services/products. We recognise the importance of being an active presence at technical working tables, taking part in international commissions and working groups, and in the most prestigious industry publications, because we know that the future of infrastructure will also depend on the economic and political assets of Countries.
La sostenibilità come impulso alla R&S
We aim to be sustainability leaders in our R&D by anticipating, supporting and implementing global trends in analysis and certification. R&D services and products, as well as the entire supply chain involved, undergo continuous analysis and verification of ESG parameters, environmental goals (European Toxonomy) and US Sustaiable Development Goals (SDGs). We have reduced the impact of emissions, pollutants and resource use, as well as the operation and maintenance of existing infrastructure between 5 and 10 times. We developed the first methodology for quantitative climate change risk analysis of existing infrastructure.