Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) The Otter Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) is an easily deployable turn-key system for seabed mapping and monitoring of sheltered waters.
Turn-key solution for bathymetric surveys
Otter's robust catamaran design and the tightly integrated bathymetric survey sensors make this system a cost-effective turn-key solution for bathymetric surveys in sheltered waters such as small lakes, canals, rivers, ponds, and harbor areas.
The Otter is controlled via a graphical user interface: Maritime Robotics' vehicle control station (VCS) or a mobile phone app. The app provides manual joystick-like control, while VCS has several control modes. For waypoint control, the operator can easily plan missions consisting of individual waypoints, or use templates for creating complex survey patterns

It is when innovative instrumentation is used innovatively, that new standards of efficiency and objectivity of data are created.
Electric is better
The autonomous future is electric, and the Otter is equipped with electric thrusters that are powered by 4 powerful and easily interchangeable battery packs. This gives the Otter a best-in-class endurance for its size.
Shallow water bathymetry
Multibeam technology facilitates long-range real-time data collection and at the same time achieves high-resolution data.
Integrated data in a single digital environment
By combining Otter Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) with Bulti-beam Sonar WBMS Norbit for a bathymetry survey and integrating the data obtained with a topographic survey, we obtain a 3D reconstruction of both the surface above the sea and below the sea. The acquired data is used for study, material characterization, and design solutions to strengthen the infrastructure and mitigate the erosion effect near the line. All acquired data, engineering a geological analysis are integrated into our innovative B-SHAPE software.